About us

Hi, my name is Carys, thanks for visiting our online store. I am the woman, mother and dreamer behind Bee Children. The concept for the store began from a desire to work for myself, to be able to provide for my children, while being present with them. I became an only parent when my eldest was 2.5 years old and I was newly pregnant with our youngest. My partner devastatingly died from brain cancer. Through such a traumatic and profound loss and experience, I had to change my dream of what our family’s future would look like. There are some core values and ways of living that we had created together and that I had always had envisioned for myself as a mother, that I wanted to make sure stayed true for myself and our 2 boys. After our baby was born and we had emerged from the newborn months, I started to brainstorm how I could support the 3 of us from home - doing something I enjoyed. 

Before having children I studied and worked as an early childhood teacher in Wellington for many years. It’s a profession I absolutely loved and thrived working in. I gained an incredible amount of knowledge and understanding about early learning and development, that I have continued adding to since becoming a parent. My passion for free movement, free play, outdoor/nature exploration and risky play comes from my time as a teacher.

I was first introduced to DUNS Sweden when my dear friend wanted to buy some dungarees that she loved, for my eldest son when he was a newborn. I also fell in love with the quality, the bright colours, unique prints, the soft organic cotton and ease my son could move his body in them. He wore this pair of dungarees as often as they were clean for the 8 months he could fit them. Then after his baby brother was born, he wore them just the same. From here my love for similar brands grew and both my boys wardrobes became full of brightly coloured organic and natural fibre clothing.

It was also around this time that my interest and awareness of organic regenerative farming began to develop. We were living on my partners parents farm when our eldest was born and they farmed in this way. With a newborn and my partner living with a terminal cancer diagnosis, our desire to live and consume organic and naturally became important and a priority to us. To this day this is how we live as much as possible, which includes growing a lot of our own fruit and vegetables organically at home and being conscious about what we purchase. 

With these experiences and interests behind me, my goal to work from home, continuing our wee homesteading - stay at home mama life, I kept coming to the idea of starting Bee Children.

This is just the beginning and I have great dreams for our family and Bee Children. Thank you greatly for any and all support and joining us on our journey.

Carys x